Program FALT
Luni 9:00-13:00
Marţi 9:00-13:00 şi 16:00-19:00
Miercuri 9:00-13:00
Joi 9:00-13:00 şi 16:00-19:00
Vineri 9:00-12:00
Consultatii juridice
Consultatii tehnice
Marţi si Joi 17:00-19:00

» Revista SEMNAL
» Comunicate de presa
» 2%
» Activitati
» Raport de activitate


  • Strada Braşov, nr. 8
    Cod 300194, Timişoara

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Sintetizam unele dintre rezultatele actiunilor Federatiei Asociatiilor de Locatari Timisoara, întreprinse, de cele mai multe ori, cu efort si îndârjire, în sprijinul membrilor sai - asociatiile de proprietari din Timisoara

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  • Biroul de Consiliere pentru Cetăţeni (BCC) este un serviciu de interes public care răspunde nevoii de informare şi consiliere a cetăţenilor......

                                                The future of the city needs involvement


The “VOCI” project represents an initiative for creating a replicable mechanism, whose aim is to let the citizens from Timişoara know about their right to get involved in the process of elaborating projects and decisions of the local public administration. After implementation, abilities of civic implication will develop The circumstance created and developed is going to function after completing the financing as well.


The project is carried out in Timişoara, the target group representing the citizens, members of Owners/Lessee Associations and involves the following types of activity: monitorizing the legal process, creating some work groups placed in different quarters from Timişoara, mobilizing the citizens for taking part in public debates organized at the Local Council of Timişoara, meetings with the members of the parliament and the media, etc.


1.5.1. General objectives


1. Strengthening the NGO (FALT) in order to get involved in activities regarding the good governance and transparency of the decisional process of the public authorities.

This should enhance the notority and FALT representativeness by including in its spheres other Owners/Lessee Associations from Timişoara, that are not affiliated. These new Owners/Lessee Associations will play a part in enhancing the level of FALT representativeness. The FALT        member associations are offered in exchange the right to have representatives within some work groups that will be formed by their members, thus being able to express their opinion and give the opportunity for sustaining projects of community interest of the Local Council of Timişoara, within the public debates.


2. The citizen’s ability to actively get involved in the processes of elaboration and improvement of the legal framework.

Creating an example for the citizens’ involvement in the decisional process of administration, a replicable and standardized example that can be translated and interpreted depending on the speficific and the activities of other NGO. The Manual of Procedures that is needed to be elaborated, will have a flexible structure and will set up a key stone for projects of general interest having the same target group.


1.5.2. Specific objectives


1. Winning new member associations by FALT, that would want to get involved in influencing and improvement of the Local Council projects and decision of community interest.

Because of promoting the general objectives of the project, the unaffiliated associations will get involved, offering its members the chance to take part in the process of elaborating legislation on the local level.


2. Gathering a group of internal and external specialists of FALT to work together in certain activities of community interest.

A professional team will be formed that would be able to support the project implementation.


3. Forming some work groups made up of citizen members of Owners/Lessee Associations from different quarters of Timişoara and having a spreading role for the information regarding the projects of community interest, and mobilization of the citizens within the associations they represent in order to get involved in the public debates.

After meeting in different quarters of Timişoara, the persons chosen by the Owners/Lessee Associations, members of FALT, will nominate some work groups that will periodically interact with the project team, debating and processing initiatives of community interest, identified by the project team after analyzing the suggestions of the Local Counsil decisions.


4. Establishing some mechanisms of efficient communication between the citizens of Timişoara, members of over 3.000 owners associations affiliated to FALT and the local electees with the immediate involvement of the media as a factor of intermediation and stability:

Within their own associations, the work groups representatives will have to spread the conclusions of the meetings held with the project team for a general civic support in the further public debates.   


5. The citizen participation in the process of taking decisions within the Local Council of Timişoara: in the public debates there will be followed the citizen involvement in activities of support and help of legislative amendments suggested by the work groups.


6. The citizens involvement in giving opinions regarding the legislative projects or amendments of some legislative documents of national interest that will be given to the members of the parliament from Timiş;

There will be organized some meetings for the problems of community interest within the central administration area, with members of the parliament from Timiş in order to sensitize them.




Roumanian  version


Presentation material (brochure in roumanian language)



VOCI bulletin no. 1                            VOCI poster no. 1

VOCI bulletin no. 2                            VOCI poster no. 2


In case you need any suggestion and remarks regarding the VOCI project, please download from here and send us the filled in form at the e-mail address:

Suggestion and remarks form in romanian language


The total amount spent for the project is 55.640 EURO from which 49.965 EURO is contribution from the European Union.



Federatia Asociatiilor de Locatari Timisoara deruleaza a derulat în perioada iunie - octombire 2014, proiectul cu titlul „SERVICII DE CALITATE CU UN SISTEM IT PERFORMANT” co-finantat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala, POS CCE 2007-2013 - Axa prioritara III „Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor pentru sectoarele privat si public” - Domeniu  Major de Interventie 1 „Sustinerea utilizarii tehnologiei informatiei si comunicatiilor” - Operatiunea: 1 „Sprijinirea accesului la Internet si la serviciile conexe”.



Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin programul Facilitatea de Tranziţie 2007/19343.01.11 - Consolidarea sprijinului societăţii civile în lupta împotriva corupţiei

Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin programul PHARE 2006

Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin programul PHARE 2006    

Viitorul Oraşului Cere Etică şi Acţiune - VOCEA
Proiect  finanţat de Uniunea Europeană – Programul PHARE 2005

Biroul de Consiliere pentru Cetăţeni Timişoara - BCC Timişoara
Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană

VOCI -  Viitorul Oraşului Cere Implicare
Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană

VOCEA - Viitorul Oraşului Cere Etică şi Acţiune
Proiect finanţat de World Learning for International Developement


Program finanţat prin Phare

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