Program FALT
Luni 9:00-13:00
Marţi 9:00-13:00 şi 16:00-19:00
Miercuri 9:00-13:00
Joi 9:00-13:00 şi 16:00-19:00
Vineri 9:00-12:00
Consultatii juridice
Consultatii tehnice
Marţi si Joi 17:00-19:00

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» Comunicate de presa
» 2%
» Activitati
» Raport de activitate


  • Strada Braşov, nr. 8
    Cod 300194, Timişoara

    Telefon / fax 0256-201237 

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FALT este membru in:




Liga Habitat





Sintetizam unele dintre rezultatele actiunilor Federatiei Asociatiilor de Locatari Timisoara, întreprinse, de cele mai multe ori, cu efort si îndârjire, în sprijinul membrilor sai - asociatiile de proprietari din Timisoara

» click aici pentru mai multe detalii

  • Biroul de Consiliere pentru Cetăţeni (BCC) este un serviciu de interes public care răspunde nevoii de informare şi consiliere a cetăţenilor......


The Lodgers` Associations Federation in Timişoara was registered as a legal entity in 1993 with the Civil Sentence number 1/1993 of the Appeal Court in Timişoara.
At the present time the organization has 3198 associations of lodgers/ owners (in a total of 87343 families) and 2409 natural persons.
The Lodgers` Associations Federation is a member of the Habitat League in Romania and the Consumers` Protection Association in Timisoara.
The purpose of the organization is to support and represent the interests of its members in their relation with the authorities, suppliers and other organizations, natural persons or legal entities.

· FALT supports the interests of its members before the public authorities.
· Represents and promotes the interests of its members in their relation with the companies that supply services to the lodgers/ owners associations.
· Is interested in establishing legal and fair terms among the representatives of the lodgers/ owners associations and the representatives of the companies that supply services to the lodgers/ owners associations.
· Solving all the common problems of the lodgers associations.
· When discussing and implementing new laws concerning the activity of the lodgers/ owners associations FALT has a direct contribution.
· Analyzes the way the contract obligations are fulfilled among the companies that supply services and the lodgers/ owners associations and takes action in solving the petitions and notifications of the lodgers/owners associations committees.
· Takes part in the making of the standard contracts between suppliers and the lodgers/owners associations, including setting the prices when this is needed.
· Is interested in perfecting and up-dating the legislation concerning the lodgers/owners associations so that their interests will be protected from the suppliers` manoeuvres and unfavourable banking speculations-will promote the lodgers/owners associations interests.
· Develops activities of information and documentation for the members in the fields of economy, banking and technology concerning the specific problems of the lodgers/ owners associations.
· Information concerning the dwelling space, public services, consumers` protection.
· Free legal advice.
· Free technical advice concerning dwelling space.
· Financial administration of buildings or just making the lists of expenses.
· Verifying the financial administration of the associations at their request.
· Support in obtaining loans for the owners` associations or natural persons.
· Free information about different services offers for associations in our data base
· Helping to solve the associations` notifications to the suppliers of services.
· The specific legislation for the owners/lodgers associations.
· Free access to our Official Gazette, newspapers and magazines in the organizations` mini-library.

The Lodgers` Associations Federation Timisoara made several interventions to the Local Counsel for promoting some Local Counsel Acts that will be in the interest and support of the lodgers/ owners association. Also there have been several other interventions to the Government, Parliament and the President in order to solve some complex problems that the lodgers/ owners associations are faced with.
We participate monthly to the meetings of the Consulting Committee at the Timis County Prefecture concerning the Consumers Protection.
Courses for training the building administrators are being organized periodically at the end of which they obtain a diploma given by the Work and Social Protection Ministry. Up to the present time 476 participants have been given this diploma; some of them were unemployed and afterwards were given o job as building administrators.
The organization is part of the Commission for certifying the building administrators, having the function to observe the examinations that are still taking place.
The organization implemented several projects financed by different entities:
· Information, documentation and support centre for dwelling associations.
· Citizens` Advice Bureau in Timisoara, project that is still developing and is financed by the Delegation of the European Committee thru the Phare Program-The Development of the Civil Society 2000.
· We were also part of the Group of Local Partnership Timisoara where 22 NGO`s developed a project also financed by Phare 2000.
· We have just handed in a request for financing the development of the information and counselling services in the coterminous localities of Timisoara. 



Federatia Asociatiilor de Locatari Timisoara deruleaza a derulat în perioada iunie - octombire 2014, proiectul cu titlul „SERVICII DE CALITATE CU UN SISTEM IT PERFORMANT” co-finantat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala, POS CCE 2007-2013 - Axa prioritara III „Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor pentru sectoarele privat si public” - Domeniu  Major de Interventie 1 „Sustinerea utilizarii tehnologiei informatiei si comunicatiilor” - Operatiunea: 1 „Sprijinirea accesului la Internet si la serviciile conexe”.



Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin programul Facilitatea de Tranziţie 2007/19343.01.11 - Consolidarea sprijinului societăţii civile în lupta împotriva corupţiei

Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin programul PHARE 2006

Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin programul PHARE 2006    

Viitorul Oraşului Cere Etică şi Acţiune - VOCEA
Proiect  finanţat de Uniunea Europeană – Programul PHARE 2005

Biroul de Consiliere pentru Cetăţeni Timişoara - BCC Timişoara
Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană

VOCI -  Viitorul Oraşului Cere Implicare
Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană

VOCEA - Viitorul Oraşului Cere Etică şi Acţiune
Proiect finanţat de World Learning for International Developement


Program finanţat prin Phare

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Pentru informaţii despre celelalte programe finanţate de Uniunea Europeană în România, cât şi pentru informaţii detaliate privind aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană, vă invităm să vizitaţi adresa web a Centrului de Informare al Comisiei Europene în România.
Pentru informaţii şi eventuale reclamaţii referitoare la proiectul PHARE:


   Copyright 2014 Federatia Asociatiilor de Locatari Timisoara FALT Total: 12068600 afisari Web Design Timisoara by DOW MEDIA